Saturday 5 April 2003

Shortly after waking up, the phrase "ineluctable modality of being" popped into my head. I believe it's from Ulysses. I remember not knowing what it meant, but not bothering to look it up. I think it's stuck in my head because its such a nice-sounding phrase, dinner-partyesque:

BUTLER Ferrero Rocher?
ME No thanks, I couldn't. I'm afraid I have a touch of the ineluctable modality of being.

Neil got back yesterday apparently, and I have seen him this morning. I believe he's back for the Easter break now. He, Mum and Dad all had a good laugh at my T-shirt, which in my first year was ubiquitous. Will and Paul should know the one I mean. Now it comprises mostly of holes. I'm going to go back to bed now. Have fun.