Wednesday 11 June 2003

I'm switching e-mail addresses, as my old one is going to die, like my webspace. I've e-mailed people the new one, but it's not inconceivable that I'll have missed people out. I can't put it on my blog though, I thought, owing to spammers and the like. Do you remember those thin book catalogues you used to get in infant and primary school? I do. Once upon a time I bought a book about secret codes from one such catalogue. It's still in our house I think. This purchase was to facilitate my entry into MI5, but as I can't see that happening any time soon, I shall put its mysteries into more mundane use.


This is an easy one. You're meant to pile encryption upon encryption, but I guess that's probably enought to deter those bots that scan websites to rip e-mail addresses. Anyway, the idea is simply that I have put an arbitrary letter after every vowel. Strip them, and you have it. While I'm at it, my MSN is still tsoyanpm@hontmaliyl.coym if anyone wants that.