Sunday 31 August 2003

Hello! Bit of the old church this morning. I asked Mum about the lack of OT readings in the lectionary. She said that were sometimes some gaps, but usually there was one. I find this very odd. I mean, if you open a random page of the bible, you're more likely to find yourself in the OT than the NT. Bashed through some songs; that side of things went okay. No Mum though. I think she said, but I wasn't expecting it. She was at work. I can never think of much to say to the grown-ups after church, so I opted to play floor tennis with the Hooper kids, which was fun.

Mum asked me to do her readings next week at church because she's going on holiday. It's Proverbs 22:1-2,89,22-23. Lot of editing there; goodness knows why. I also had better try and persuade someone else to sing.

I never saw Some of my best friends are... Jewish which I think is rather a shame. I'm now reading What's So Amazing About Grace? by Mr. evangelically ubiquitous, which should be good. I've a mind to reread Grace Abounding too.

Had some port. It was quite good.