Thursday 20 November 2003

Hello; I used to have better openings than this. Hmm. Well, yesterday. Work was fairly hectic, as it was a major deadline, but it got done, although I did end up staying later than usual. It was good to see Nina again, in and of itself, although other significant plus points of going round to hers were that I was given porridge and some kind of melon-based liquer which reminded me of banana-flavoured medicine; classic taste. Thanks Nina.

RCIA was on the Holy Spirit, although these discussions always stray and become less tightly-focused than the plan would appear to dictate. To be honest, I didn't take a lot of it in - I was pretty dashed tired, and that's what I think it was, but I suppose there was also the liqueur to take into account to. Martin, who is a nice guy who works at the hospital and is taking to Christianity very well, thank God, gave me a lift home. I wandered round the house a bit before remembering that it was Wednesday, and if James was out,then it was more than likely that he was at CathSoc. A few minutes later, and I was as well.

I woke up to Adam's alarm today. It plays a tune until you turn it off. Most alarms turn themselves off after a while, but this one doesn't, meaning that about ten minutes after I'd woken up, and the novelty was wearing off, I wandered into Adam's bedroom and turned it off myself. I'd fully expected to find the bedroom vacant, no Adam to be roused, but he'd just slept through it. It's not the loudest alarm in the world, but still. I think what he needs is some time-activated pointed stick, or lump-hammer to slap himround a bit in the morning, otherwise I fear he may miss many things in life.

Today's work was a bit calmer, and I also came in late because owing to flexitime, I can. Fr. Paul's going to be installed as a canon in Plymouth cathedral next week, and I might utilise some flexi to get to that as well.

Choral Society today. Hard work. I've only missed two rehearsals, but they seem to have been farily significant ones. I missed practically all of the Benedicite, although we did a lot of work on that tonight. Also seem to have missed out on the Agnus Dei - disconcerting. I was too tired to properly enjoy it.