Wednesday 7 April 2004

Responding, on a snippet by snippet to basis to another's argument (I believe it is called fisking) is a relatively venerable tradition, for the internet. It strikes me, however, that whereas on my own blog I get the authoritative voice and final say on the editing, Gavin doesn't.

So here's his unadulterated material.
It's nice to take single verses out of context and against the background of the entire Bible, as you can often prove anything then e.g. the two you quote. And as the Bible "contain[s] some things that are hard to understand” it is a dangerous practice to start picking out bits from here and there on their own.

Also isn't the Bible useful for teaching, rebuking etc? If that doesn't make it an authority what would? Does that fact it is the inspired word of God come into it as well?

Further have you read John 3:16? How does that effect your requirement for works and faith to be saved?

I also never said the Catholic Church was ignorant or unstable. It is an impressively self-consistent, coherent and sincere organisation, but one that I believe has got it wrong.

It is also wrong for you to say that my view is a “groundless assertion” merely because it differs to yours. Neither of us has got very far into this debate yet and neither has presented any points of view that could be called groundless in our own opinions. We might believe each others are wrong but that does not make them groundless as I am reasonably sure neither of us believes what we believe on irrational grounds.

I shall email you some more on this, not because I think I am in 'danger' of being wrong and I’m afraid to have it on here, but somebody who is not a Catholic needs to talk to you about your recent experiences away from (no offence intended) other Catholics and no one down in Exeter seems to be bothered too.

If you're right in your new viewpoint it won't do you any harm and it you're not it will be what you need.

Perhaps I am aggressive in my viewpoint but maybe a challenge for you will be good. It will either set you back on your prior path or affirm for yourself your new one.

I have posted this in your comments box so the people who read your blog are aware I have not conceded your point and that I am responding to it.