Wednesday 7 September 2005

Today was very encouraging, a gentleman came into the shop and asked for "the lad who's always reading outside before the shop opens". Turns out that he teaches adult literacy and had found my love of reading quite encouraging in his work, he's also a 60-words/sec speed reader like me. Both embarrassing and flattering, but isn't encouraging others part of Christianity? It's nice to rediscover even when you're enjoying yourself, God can still work through you.

I'd almost forgotten how encouraging David is as an employer, thanking me when I reminded him about his breakfast. David: "What would I do without you?" Me (smiling):"Miss breakfast." He really seems to appreciate me taking extra care of him when he doesn't have Trevor or Norman to help in the shop.

Matt has kindly offered to work this Saturday so that I can visit Nan and the Fornis on Friday afternoon, and on Saturday make the long trip back to Exeter, possibly with enough energy to make a trip out on Sunday after church.