Thursday 29 June 2006

I think I know where I went wrong with the gluten-free bread recipe. I got the weight of milk and the weight of gluten-free flour mixed up. Doh! Hopefully it will work this time.

After going to Exeter College's open day to ask about the teaching assistant course, I came to the conclusion that it's probably not worth pursuing that career idea. At least this idea hasn't wasted as much time as Pharmacy.

Mum suggested I find something to stimulate me and stop me getting bored, one idea was to write up an autobiography for the edification of other aspies. Seemed an interesting idea so I started working out a timeline, if anyone's interested in contributing info, feel free. Obviously I will check with all family members before publishing anything, so Adrian can breathe a sigh of relief.

I couldn't remember the road name of the first place we lived in Farnborough, found it in the end, "West Glade" but in the searching I came across a site with very damning views of both Farnborough and Aldershot.
With one excerpt on the Farnborough College of Technology followed by "[Critical comment on FCoT has been removed because of threats by FCoT against the ISP]"; it reads like an issue of Private Eye.