Thursday 14 September 2006

Forms, forms, forms! I hate filling forms! I have got a claim to submit online to the employment tribunals. I couldn't finish it. And now it seemed like it's not so worthwhile to make this claim.

Finally, after more than a month of checking the website everyday I've got a form to apply for a loan. I couldn't finish it of course. At least I've got 6 months to fill it and to get all he documents I need.
I 've got to register as a new student at the University and I can do it online. If only the web will allow me to. The web doesn't like my student number and the 4 digit code given to me. Great! Why is that? Why there is always a problem with me and technology? I'll try again tomorrow from campus and if it doesn't work I guess I have to phone or go to the IT services.
I' ve got also problems, ( more than one of course), to understand who I am. New student? Continuing student? Study Abroad Student? Returning student? The point is, if I don't register I won't be a student at all!
I've got also a Unicard form to send before Monday the 18th of September, butI don't have the form because I need a special form for Modular Degree. I 've emailed 4 different people 3 of them were on holiday the one who replied to me was completely useless. Tomorrow will be an interesting day! I can see myself running up and down for the campus.
Oh well! I did manage to do something today. I bought the tickets for the Opera. I've spoken with my parents and my mum before saying goodbye said "God bless you". I like it when she sais that. It reminds me when I was a child and she kissed me goodnight and said God bless you. She was ok tonight.
I better go to bed and try to sleep. Last night I had a night sleep after 3 nights of weaking up in the middle of the night.

Night night and God bless you all.